Chartered Accountant, External Auditor, Court-appointed Expert, Arbitrator and Appraiser for the Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture and Industry of Verona


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  • Consulenza aziendale nell’affiancamento alle scelte strategiche di imprenditori e management
  • Operazioni Straordinarie
  • Ristrutturazione aziendale e di gruppi societari


  • Componente di Collegi Sindacali
  • Revisore di Enti Pubblici
  • Consulente del Giudice presso il Tribunale di Verona
  • Arbitro e Perito della CCIAA di Verona
  • Vice Presidente del Consiglio di Disciplina dell’Ordine Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili di Verona
  • Membro della Commissione Diritto di Impresa e Operazioni Straordinarie dell’Ordine Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili di Verona


    A Chartered Accountant, External Auditor, Court-appointed Expert, Arbitrator and Appraiser for the Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture and Industry of Verona, he is the founder of Studio Capra Commercialisti Associati, where young professionals have developed their careers and the current associates participate in the business of the Firm.
  • His work in the area of business advisory services of the associated firm is a benchmark and a support to the strategic decisions of the entrepreneur and management, and is the result of many years of experience and knowledge of corporate, tax and company restructuring, with specific regard to extraordinary company and group reorganisations. His professional profile is completed by exercise in contractual matters, company valuations and accounting, positions that he personally holds as statutory auditor in leading companies, external auditor for government entities and relating to government entities, assignments from the Courts in insolvency and non-litigious jurisdiction proceedings, the establishment of trusts, assistance to businesses in the application for and admission to insolvency proceedings, technical advice on arbitration or awards, the position of director or receiver for companies of government entities and the chairmanship of no profit entities, the position of Board member of the ODCEC of Verona.